
Credit: Sharjeel_Khaleel|Unsplash

Everyday life is an unknown door, and we know not what lives behind such doors.

If we know what it is, we’ll approach life with less trepidation. These doors are daunting as they hold the strangest things, and if we cower from the risk of the unveiling, we’ll never know their truths—and ignorance is a worse reality.

Every door we knock on won’t gift us treasures, but they all come with their lessons—and every lesson is a blessing.

When these doors are jammed and unyielding, we must kick them over and over … and over again until they budge or fall or whatever—the goal is to get them open—because the way of force is sometimes the only way.

Some times these doors are the old ones, and the Kung Fu master’s kick may be too weak to even make them creak, but there are special keys for their custom locks.

Patience and willpower are the keys we need to open all of life’s doors—they are the master’s key. For only true masters keep these ones in their bunch.

Whatever kind of door you get, approach it without fear—remember you are never without the keys.

Published by Ishola Quwam

Creative writing is my elixir.

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